When one feels isolated...

What can you say about isolation? It's indeed a subjective matter. Every person feels isolated, at some or the other point in time. I guess, Isolation is a feeling similar to jealousy. Yes, first ever fatal and negative feeling in the history of mankind (recall Cain and Abel from the early ages).
How does it evolve? Why do we get carried away at that moment? How to avoid being isolated? What are its hidden benefits, or it isnt beneficial at all?
These are some of the questions which always bother me whenever I feel isolated.
Recently, while on my trip to Rishikesh, despite of being surrounded by the entire team, I felt isolated. Dont know if this is normal, but yes I did. How can one, define this moment.
As I said, it is person, location, event and thought oriented; hence cannot say much else I would have another feat of isolation :)
